Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I just spent a wonderful day with my handsome love companion so i'm kind of feeling like Chet Zars' Bliss and Joy right now..

I think Chet Zars' paintings are adorable. Sure some might not agree but it isn't always about the outside look, these are monsters with emotion just dripping off of them. Honestly, to me, they're beautiful. I can only hope to glow the same way they do.

Sometimes I feel kind of crazy talking about art like they're real, living things, but they touch me in places where I take them seriously. The emotion and feelings that come out of artists' work just leaves me in awe. I wish I had the type of talent they do. I want to touch people and inspire people some day, I don't think there could be a better feeling to feel at the end of the day.

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