Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Just a tad

I'm feeling a little irritated and angry right now so I did what I do to usually occupy my thoughts and looked at some pictures. Came across some pictures that I forgot I saved and I figured I'd share them. They're painted by an artist named Jose Roosevelt:

There is so much going on in every picture, I'm sure you can understand why I looked at them to get my mind off of things. It's so nice to see that an artist is multi talented and can draw as well as he paints.

I realize that I kind of start every blog post pretty much the same, is that bad? Boring? Do people even read my blog? It'd be nice to have some more followers and comments, ha. Now I think I'm just going on a rant to keep me occupied.. but isn't that what this is for? Do I have to talk about art only? I think I do, ha.
I wish I could just jump into every picture, wish I could live somewhere else for a little while.
College isn't what it's really cracked up to be, it's not really fun at all.. or atleast it isn't for me. Being surrounded by people who don't interest me AT ALL and getting pointless essays thrown at me daily, it's all a big nuisance really. Okay, think I'm done complaining now, haha, sorry.

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