Thursday, December 2, 2010

On My Mind

I'm sitting in my dorm room right now, looking at all the art i've taped to my walls, how do artists find a way to make sense of their thoughts? I always have so many things buzzing around my brain, sometimes I write but it doesn't usually help. I like to think but I hate dwelling on things, Is that contradicting myself?

I love art because a lot of artists paint what I'm thinking and then when I look at the pieces, it makes me feel like my thoughts are more organized.
I want to make this blog a way for me to get out how i feel, possibly help other people with what they feel. I feel like it's a work in progress, just a slow process, haha.

Soooo right now I'm kind of feeling like this Olivier Zappelli painting:

The name of this painting is Triple Self Portrait of a Madman. His mind is similar to mine in a way.

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